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Which way round should I label my primer and nfo probe for lateral flow use?

In practise, it makes no difference which way round the labels are used i.e. which label is on the probe, and which one is on the primer. However, for ease of further test development, it may prove useful to put the hapten for the conjugate antibody on the probe (FAM for Milenia, Biotin for PCRD). This way, users who proceed

Which way round should I label my primer and nfo probe for lateral flow use? Read More

When using TwistAmp® Liquid reactions how might I improve reproducibility/amplification of my RNA target?

If you are combining your RNA template with MgOAc before adding it to your reactions, you may be stabilising RNA tertiary structures that inhibit the reverse transcriptase. Adding the RNA to your reaction mixture either before you add the MgOAc, or spatially separating it (i.e. adding RNA and MgOAc to opposite sides of your reaction vessel or lid) and adding

When using TwistAmp® Liquid reactions how might I improve reproducibility/amplification of my RNA target? Read More

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