I’ve tested some primers with one type of TwistAmp® kit; will they work with another type of TwistAmp® kit?

Maybe. If you have developed primers using a TwistAmp® Basic kit, you will also need to include a probe if you are going to use a TwistAmp® exo or nfo kit. This and other factors mean that an optimal primer combination for a gel-based approach vs a fluorescence or lateral flow approach may not be the same. In general we have found that switching from TwistAmp® exo fluorescence monitoring to TwistAmp® nfo for lateral flow monitoring using a similar sequence probe gives fairly reliable results. The best primer/probe combination for fluorescence monitoring is however not necessarily the primer combination that will give the most attractive gel-based result and vice versa. Switching from a DNA-detecting assay, to an RNA-detecting RT assay, has the added complication that the reverse-transcriptase may favour different primers to the polymerase. As such we recommend developing RNA assays using an RT system on RNA template and not trying to switch to an RT kit after optimising with a DNA kit.

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