Review papers
Bioanalytical applications of isothermal nucleic acid amplification techniques
Author: Deng H, Gao Z.This review focuses on the isothermal nucleic acid amplification techniques and their applications in bioanalytical chemistry. Starting off […]
Molecular-based isothermal tests for field diagnosis of malaria and their potential contribution to malaria elimination
Author: Oriero EC, Jacobs J, Van Geertruyden JP, Nwakanma D, D'Alessandro U.The present review describes LAMP and several other isothermal nucleic acid amplification methods, such as thermophilic helicase-dependent amplification, […]
Detection and Characterization of Viral Species/Subspecies Using Isothermal Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) Assays
Author: Glais L, Jacquot EIn this paper, the complete procedures to set up an RPA assay, applied to detection of RNA (Potato […]
Recombinase polymerase amplification: Emergence as a critical molecular technology for rapid, low-resource diagnostics
Author: James A, Macdonald JImplementation of RPA technology in developing countries is critically required to assess limitations and potentials of the diagnosis […]
Recombinase Polymerase Amplification for Diagnostic Applications
Author: Daher RK , Stewart G, Boissinot M, Bergeron MGThis review summarizes the current knowledge on RPA. The molecular diagnostics of various RNA/DNA pathogens is discussed while […]
Isothermal Amplification of Nucleic Acids
Author: Zhao Y, Chen F, Li Q, Wang L, Fan C.In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the isothermal amplification of nucleic acids encompassing work published […]
Modular development of an inline monitoring system for waterborne pathogens in raw and drinking water
Author: Karthe D, Behrmann O, Blättel V, Elsässer D, Heese C, Hügle M, Hufert F, Kunze A, Niessner R, Ho J, Scharaw B, Spoo M, Tiehm A, Urban G, Vosseler S, Westerhoff T, Dame G, Seidel MIn this paper, we present insights into the design of a modular concentration and detection system for bacteria, […]
Isothermal Amplification and Quantification of Nucleic Acids and its Use in Microsystems
Author: Tröger V, Niemann K, Gärtig C, Kuhlmeier DIn this article, we review several isothermal amplification methods and their implementation in microsystems in relation to quantification […]
Recombinase polymerase amplification: a promising point-of-care detection method for enteric viruses
Author: Moore MD, Jaykus L-AThis report reviews the use of recombinase polymerase amplification for virus detection, showing that the method has favorable […]
Current Trends in Ligand Binding Real-Time Measurement Technologies
Author: Fraser S, Shilh JY, Ware M, O'Connor E, Cameron MJ, Schwickart M, Zhao X, Regnstrom K.In this review, we have chosen to focus on technologies that provide increased value to two distinct segments […]