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Paper & plastic device for combined isothermal amplification & lateral flow detection of Plasmodium
Author: Michael S. Cordray and Rebecca R. Richards-KortumNovel RPA primers were developed that bind to sequences present in the four species of Plasmodium which infect humans. The paper and plastic devices were found to be capable of detecting as few as 5 copies/µL of synthetic Plasmodium DNA […]
Bridging flocculation assay for rapid detection of gene specific DNA methylation
Author: Eugene J. H. Wee, Thu Ha Ngo and Matt TrauThe challenge of bringing DNA methylation biomarkers into clinic is the lack of simple methodologies as most current assays have been developed for research purposes. To address the limitations of current methods, we describe herein a novel methyl-protein domain (MBD) […]
Rapid, Single-Cell Electrochemical Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Gold Nanoparticles
Author: Benjamin Y. C. Ng, Wei Xiao, Nicholas P. West, Eugene J. H. Wee, Yuling Wang and Matt TrauThe assay is capable of detecting a positive differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) response from as low as 1 CFU of Mtb bacilli DNA input material, having shown its exquisite sensitivity over a conventional gel based readout. The translation of our assay onto […]
Colorimetric detection of total genomic and loci-specific DNA methylation from limited DNA inputs
Author: Eugene J. H. Wee, Thu Ha Ngo and Matt TrauAberrant DNA methylation marks are potential disease biomarkers, and detecting both total genomic and gene-specific DNA methylation can aid in clinical decisions. While a plethora of methods exist in research, simpler, more convenient alternatives are needed to enhance both routine […]
Application of Isothermal Amplification Techniques for the Identification of Madurella mycetomatis
Author: Sarah A. Ahmed, Wendy W. J. van de Sande, Marie Desnos-Ollivier, Ahmed H. Fahal, Najwa A. Mhmoud and G. S. de HoogBoth isothermal amplification techniques show high specificity and sufficient sensitivity to amplify fungal DNA and proved to be appropriate for detection of M. mycetomatis. Diagnostic performance of the techniques is assessed in comparison to conventional PCR using biopsies from eumycetoma patients. RPA […]
Detection of Entamoeba histolytica by RPA
Author: Nair G, Rebolledo M, White AC Jr, Crannell Z, Richards-Kortum RR, Pinilla AE, Ramírez JD, López MC, Castellanos-Gonzalez AAmebiasis is an important cause of diarrheal disease worldwide and has been associated with childhood malnutrition. Here, we report development of a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) method to detect E. histolytica specifically. Using visual detection by lateral flow (LF), the test was […]
Development of RPA Assays for Detection of Orientia tsutsugamushi or Rickettsia typhi
Author: Chien-Chung Chao ,Tatyana Belinskaya, Zhiwen Zhang, Wei-Mei ChingSensitive, specific and rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of Orientia tsutsugamushi (O.tsutsugamushi)and Rickettsia typhi (R. typhi), the causative agents of scrub typhus and murine typhus, respectively, are necessary to accurately and promptly diagnose patients and ensure that they receive proper treatment. Recombinase polymerase amplification […]
A Novel Molecular Test to Diagnose Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis at the Point of Care
Author: A Castellanos-Gonzalez, O.A. Saldarriaga, L. Tartaglino, R. Gacek, E. Temple, H. Sparks, P. C. Melby, B.L TraviWe developed a diagnostic test that uses isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) to detect Leishmania infantum. This method was coupled with lateral flow (LF) reading with the naked eye to be adapted as a point-of-care test. The L. infantum RPA-LF had an analytical […]
Development of reverse transcription RPA assay for avian influenza H5N1 HA gene detection
Author: Nahed Yehia, Abdel-Satar Arafa, Ahmed Abd El Wahed, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi, Manfred Weidmann, Mohamed A. ShalabyThe developed H5 RT-RPA assay was able to detect one RNA molecule in 10 min. H5 RT-RPA had the same sensitivity and specificity as real-time RT-PCR. H5 RT-RPA was fast and easy to be operated via portable device.
Development of portable and rapid assay for detection of emerging avian influenza A (H7N9) virus
Author: Ahmed Abd El Wahed, Manfred Weidmann, Frank T. HufertHighlights – The mobile suitcase laboratory is easy to use in low-resource settings. The Diagnostics-in-a-Suitcase depends on using cold-chain-independent reagents. The electricity was supplied from a motor vehicle battery or solar panel battery. The H7N9 RT-RPA assays provided results within […]