

Every year more and more scientists are finding out that RPA really works. Over 350 peer-reviewed publications* have been written as people discover the benefits of RPA. See the publications on this page to give you inspirational ideas of how you could use RPA for experiments that just aren't possible with PCR.

*TwistDx takes no responsibility for the content of the publications or their author/s.

  • Detection and Characterization of Viral Species/Subspecies Using Isothermal RPA Assays.

    Author: Glais L, Jacquot E.

    In this paper, the complete procedures to set up an RPA assay, applied to detection of RNA (Potato virus Y, Potyvirus) and DNA (Wheat dwarf virus, Mastrevirus) viruses, are described. The proposed procedure allows developing species- or subspecies-specific detection assay.

  • Development of a Quantitative RPA Assay with an Internal Positive Control

    Author: Zachary A. Crannell, Brittany Rohrman, Rebecca Richards-Kortum

    A video protocol for developing a real-time recombinase polymerase amplification assay to quantify initial concentration of DNA samples using either a thermal cycler or a microscope and stage heater. Also described is the development of an internal positive control.

  • Solid-phase RPA on microfluidic DVDs

    Author: Luis A. Tortajada-Genaro, Sara Santiago-Felipe, Mary Amasia, Aman Russomb and  Ángel Maquieiraa  

    The solid-phase amplification assay, including the washing protocols and development reaction, was performed by the dispensation of solutions through the inlet and by controlling the flow-movement by DVD drive centrifugation.

  • Integrated Quantum Dot Barcode Smartphone Optical Device for Wireless Multiplexed Diagnostics

    Author: Kevin Ming, Jisung Kim, Mia J. Biondi, Abdullah Syed, Kun Chen, Albert Lam, Mario Ostrowski, Anu Rebbapragada, Jordan J. Feld, and Warren C. W. Chan

    RPA is combined with quantum dot barcodes to allow multiplex detection of pathogens with a smartphone. RPA boosted the sensitivity of pathogen detection in a situation where PCR was not possible.

  • Bridging flocculation for on-site, rapid, qualitative DNA detection in resource-poor settings

    Author: E. J. H. Wee, H. Y. Lau, J. R. Botella and M. Trau

    RPA (Recombinase Polymerase Amplification) combined with a novel bridging flocculation assay for qualitative evaluation of isothermally amplified plant and other pathogen DNA and RNA by naked eye.

  • Early Detection of the Dengue Virus Using RT-RPA

    Author: Teoh BT, Sam SS, Tan KK, Danlami MB, Shu MH, Johari J, Hooi PS, Brooks D, Piepenburg O, Nentwich O, Wilder-Smith A, Franco L, Tenorio A, AbuBakar S.

    The RPA assay detected as few as 10 copies of DENV RNA in

  • Recombinase Polymerase Amplification-Based Assay to Diagnose Giardia in Stool Samples

    Author: Crannell ZA, Cabada MM, Castellanos-Gonzalez A, Irani A, White AC, Richards-Kortum R

    An RPA assay was characterized on the bench top using stool samples spiked with Giardia cysts where it showed a limit-of-detection nearly as low as the gold standard polymerase chain reaction assay. Testing with the assay in the highlands of […]

  • Influence of sequence mismatches on the specificity of RPA technology

    Author: Daher RK, Stewart G, Boissinot M, Boudreau DK, Bergeron MG.

    A brief investigation of the impact of location and number of template/oligonucleotide mismatches on RPA based on assays developed for tuf gene sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and/or Mycobacterium tuberculosis and for the cfb gene sequence of Streptococcus agalactiae.

  • Isothermal DNA amplification strategies for duplex microorganism detection.

    Author: Santiago-Felipe S, Tortajada-Genaro LA, Morais S, Puchades R, Maquieira Á.

    The proposed approaches were successfully compared to conventional PCR and tested for the milk sample analysis as a microarray format on a compact disc (support and driver). Satisfactory results were obtained in terms of resistance to inhibition, selectivity, sensitivity (10(1)-10(2)CFU/mL) […]

  • Equipment-free incubation of recombinase polymerase amplification reactions using body heat.

    Author: Crannell ZA, Rohrman B, Richards-Kortum R

    In this study, we demonstrated that human body heat may be harnessed to incubate recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) reactions for isothermal amplification of HIV-1 DNA.

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