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Picoliter Well Array Chip-Based Digital RPA for Absolute Quantification of Nucleic Acids
Author: Zhao Li, Yong Liu,Qingquan Wei, Yuanjie Liu,Wenwen Liu,Xuelian Zhang,Yude YudRPA-on-chip processing required less than 30 min, which was a 4-fold decrease compared to dPCR, requiring approximately 2 h. dRPA on the PWA chip provides a simple and highly sensitive method to quantify nucleic acids without thermal cycling or precise […]
FA mathematical model of recombinase polymerase amplification under continuously stirred conditions
Author: Clint Moody, Heather Newell and Hendrik ViljoenRecombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA), combines this advantage of isothermal PCR with simplicity and rapid amplification. A mathematical model is presented of Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) and compared to experimental data.
Modular development of a prototype POC molecular diagnostic platform for STIs
Author: Manoharanehru Branavan, Ruth E Mackay, Pascal Craw et al•A low cost, optical, POC molecular diagnostic platform. •Sample preparation using a paper membrane. •Isothermal amplification using HDA and RPA.
Rapid Point-of-Use DNA Test for Screening of Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soyabean in Seed Sample
Author: Dilip Chandu, Sudakshina Paul, Mathew Parker, Yelena Dudin, Jennifer King-Sitzes, Tim Perez, Don W. Mittanck, Manali Shah, Kevin C. Glenn, and Olaf PiepenburgA highly sensitive and specific RPA-based detection system for Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield (RR2Y) material in soybean (Glycine max) seed samples applicable in both laboratory and field-type settings.
Microfluidic lab-on-a-foil for nucleic acid analysis based on isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA).
Author: Lutz S, Weber P, Focke M, Faltin B, Hoffmann J, Müller C, Mark D, Roth G, Munday P, Armes N,Piepenburg O, Zengerle R, von Stetten F.For the first time we demonstrate a self-sufficient lab-on-a-foil system for the fully automated analysis of nucleic acids which is based on the recently available isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA).
Digital isothermal quantification of nucleic acids via simultaneous chemical initiation of recombinase polymerase amplification reactions on SlipChip.
Author: Shen F1, Davydova EK, Du W, Kreutz JE, Piepenburg O, Ismagilov RFIn this paper, digital quantitative detection of nucleic acids was achieved at the single-molecule level by chemical initiation of over one thousand sequence-specific, nanoliter isothermal amplification reactions in parallel.
Recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid detection of Rift Valley fever virus
Author: Euler M1 Wang Y, Nentwich O, Piepenburg O, Hufert FT, Weidmann M.The one-step-RT-RPA assay showed a sensitivity of 19 molecules detected as determined by probit analysis of eight runs using a RVFV S-segment based quantitative RNA standard and detected 20 different RVFV strains.
Immunosorbent assay as a DNA amplification-detection strategy for food analysis
Author: Santiago-Felipe S, Tortajada-Genaro LA, Puchades R, Maquieira A2.The RPA-ELISA combination is proposed for amplification at a low, constant temperature (40°C) in a short time (40min), for the hybridisation of labelled products to specific 5′-biotinylated probes/streptavidin in coated microtiter plates at room temperature, and for detection by colorimetric […]
Isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification assay applied to the detection of group B streptococci in vaginal/anal samples
Author: Daher RK, Stewart G, Boissinot M, Bergeron MG.We demonstrate the potential of isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification assay as a clinically useful molecular diagnostic tool that is simple and faster than PCR/RT-PCR. Recombinase polymerase amplification offers great potential for nucleic acid-based diagnostics at the point of care.
A Nucleic Acid Test to Diagnose Cryptosporidiosis: Lab Assessment in Animal and Patient Specimens
Author: Crannell ZA, Castellanos-Gonzalez A, Irani A, Rohrman B, White AC, Richards-Kortum R.RPA detection of Cryptosporidium species in DNA extracted from stool samples. TwistAmp nfo based assays were more sensitive than RT-PCR and only needed 30 minutes of amplification time. Using a simple paper and plastic device, lateral flow strips were one […]