

Every year more and more scientists are finding out that RPA really works. Over 350 peer-reviewed publications* have been written as people discover the benefits of RPA. See the publications on this page to give you inspirational ideas of how you could use RPA for experiments that just aren't possible with PCR.

*TwistDx takes no responsibility for the content of the publications or their author/s.

  • Optimizing Illumina next-gen sequencing library preparation for at-biased genomes

    Author: Oyola SO, Otto TD, Gu Y, Maslen G, Manske M, Campino S, Turner DJ, Macinnis B, Kwiatkowski DP, Swerdlow HP, Quail MA.

    Oyola et al compared a number of different polymerases and PCR methods with RPA for generating libraries for sequencing AT-rich genomes. The TwistAmp Basic reactions were used without optimisation, simply following the instructions in the Quick Guide.

  • Rapid Detection of HIV-1 Proviral DNA

    Author: Boyle DS, Lehman DA, Lillis L, Peterson D, Singhal M, Armes N, Parker M, Piepenburg O, Overbaugh J.

    Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) is a novel technology that is ideal for an HIV-1 diagnostic, as it amplifies target DNA in

  • Development of a panel of RPA assays for the detection of biothreat agents

    Author: Euler M, Wang Y, Heidenreich D, Patel P, Strohmeier O, Hakenberg S, Niedrig M, Hufert FT, Weidmann M.

    Syndromic panels for infectious disease have been suggested to be of value in point-of-care diagnostics for developing countries and for biodefense. To test the performance of isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assays, we developed a panel of 10 RPAs for […]

  • A phaseguided passive batch microfluidic mixing chamber for isothermal amplification

    Author: Hakenberg S, Hügle M, Weidmann M, Hufert F, Dame G, Urban GA.

    With a view to developing a rapid pathogen detection system utilizing isothermal nucleic acid amplification, the necessary micro-mixing step is innovatively implemented on a chip. Passive laminar flow mixing of two 6.5 μl batches differing in viscosity is performed within […]

  • Multiplex isothermal solid-phase RPA for DNA-based detection of three bacterial pathogens

    Author: Sebastian Kersting, Valentina Rausch, Frank F. Bier, Markus von Nickisch-Rosenegk

    Solid-phase RPA to simultaneously amplify and detect  Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Salmonella enterica,  methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and a control plasmid in

  • Rapid Molecular Assays for the Detection of Yellow Fever Virus in Low-Resource Settings

    Author: Escadafal C, Faye O, Sall AA, Faye O, Weidmann M, Strohmeier O, von Stetten F, Drexler J, Eberhard M, Niedrig M, Patel P

    RPA assays were developed to detect Yellow Fever Virus on three different platforms (real-time with or without microfluidic semi-automated system and lateral-flow assay). The assay was able to detect 20 different YFV strains with no cross-reactions with closely related viruses. […]

  • A Fully Integrated Lab-on-a-Disc for Nucleic Acid Analysis of Food-borne Pathogens

    Author: Tae-Hyeong Kim, Juhee Park, Chi-Ju Kim, and Yoon-Kyoung Cho

    TwistFlow® Salmonella tests integrated into a centrifugal microfluidic device that performs DNA extraction, amplification and detection onto a single disc. DNA extraction to readout took 30 minutes with sensitivities of 10 CFU/ml of PBS and 100 CFU/ml of milk.

  • Rapid detection of Schmallenberg Virus & Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus using isothermal amplification

    Author: Aebischer A, Wernike K, Hoffmann B, Beer M

    Among a wide range of available technologies, high-speed real-time reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and the two isothermal amplification techniques loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) represent three promising candidates for integration into mobile pen-side tests.

  • One-step digital plasma separation for molecular diagnostics

    Author: Erh-Chia Yeh and Luke P. Lee

    First demonstration of the coupling of digital plasma separation with RPA nucleic acid detection directly from blood samples.

  • Real-Time Isothermal Detection of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Using RPA

    Author: Murinda SE, Ibekwe AM, Zulkaffly S, Cruz A, Park S, Razak N, Paudzai FM, Ab Samad L, Baquir K,Muthaiyah K, Santiago B, Rusli A, Balkcom S

    RPA assays developed to detect Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), a major family of foodborne pathogens of public health, zoonotic, and economic significance in the United States and worldwide.

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